How To Work From Home Comfortably?

Currently, the Covid-19 crisis makes all to work from home. Those who have already done work from home won’t have many differences but people who worked in the greentouch office alone from beginning feel bored and uncomfortable. Of course, while working in the home you all face a lot of interruption. Not all have to work separately but you don’t have another choice you ought to work without compromising. But you know if you understand the strategy then you are all set to easily work from the home doubtlessly. The reason why you feel uncomfortable while working home is that the office and then the home environment get differ in many ways. In the home, you will be surrounded by your family members, kids, and pet. All these easily get your attention on the other hand; in office, colleagues will make a conversation with you. You will discuss a few things and have fun. Most importantly you won’t work at home as like you do in the office all because in-home no one watches you, order you anything you feel stress-free. But understand this is what the real enemy. However, if you come to know the way to tackle it then working from home is awesome. 

Start like going office:

The best solution for this problem is you ought to get ready and then start to work as you do in your office. If you are having means you will wake up early after that eat and travel right? Apply the same procedure at home as well. You ought to get up in the morning fresh up and then start to work on the time when you start to work in the office. Also, you can arrange your desk like an office. Place a clock, water bottle, and then sit in the light coming place. You ought to surround yourself with the things that all present in the office other than colleagues. You know if you work from home then you will be easily distracted. At the same time, you can’t able to focus again on the work once after you interrupted. That’s why you want to make a schedule and then work accordingly. In-office you all provided with a schedule isn’t? So try to complete the work within that time.

Posture speaks a lot:

You know the posture you choose to sit will define how long you will work. In the office, you all sit in the straight posture, and then you will accurately place your legs right? Follow the same instruction at home as well. Of course, you want to focus on the posture you sit in. Sitting straight is the comfortable one. It never makes your shoulder or back to pain in any of the cases. Since you are at home you should not sit in the way you want. If you feel like sitting in some other posture then make sure it doesn’t exceed more than one minute after that you want to sit back in the straight posture. 

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Why Facebook Management Plays A Key Role

How to become a professional digital marketerWhy Facebook Management Plays A Key Role

In the era one search pro agency digitalization, almost every third person has access to technology. Everyone can do various tasks and activities with just a few taps from ordering food, connecting to people who live miles away to going places; technology has undeniably made it all so easy. As humans, we are social beings, which is why we cherish interactions with other people. We feel better when we interact with other people. In short, people do not like to be alone.

With the coming up of various social media platforms, this level of human interaction has seen a new increase. One of the most common social media platforms among the masses is Facebook. Facebook not only provides a platform for people to engage with their known relatives and friends but also grow a following among the masses. According to the data disclosed by the company, a total of 1.69 billion people use Facebook, out of which 216 million users are from India. This number is estimated to increase to 346 million users in our country.  Many organizations and influencers use this platform to spread their ideas, concepts, and opinions among a large audience. However, to grasp the attention of a following is not as easy as eating a piece of cake. It requires smart facebook management skills.

Importance Of Facebook Management

Many organizations can gather a large audience due to the well-planned execution of their content that they plan to share on their pages. People are very unlikely to follow something that doesn’t interest them.  The posts shared must be appealing to the followers so that it leaves an impression on their minds. Another important task about managing Facebook is tracking what your followers like, which type of post or content they engage with the most, and promoting it. This is an essential step towards what we call effective management of Facebook.

How to Plan Your Digital Marketing Strategy - Salesforce Canada BlogBenefits of Facebook Management

As a reader of this article, you may have a question about how the management of my Facebook a good recommendation? Since most social media platforms are free of cost, any type of promotion is free, making it a cost-effective way to reach the masses without much hassle. Now since the content is open for all the people who have a Facebook account, you can analyze what proportion of the audience likes your content, which might help in one search pro marketing sdn bhd promotion. Moreover, another important step for facebook management is maintaining your performance. This means emphasizing on the fact that the performance of your chosen content should be consistent. Followers should feel that the post you share have been equally creative, catchy, and regular since the day they started following you. Avoid taking long gaps between posting new posts; the audience will be quick to forget you if you don’t perform according to the standards you set for yourself.

Facebook is an excellent way to engage, inspire, and become viral. However, proper management is a vital key if you do not wish to blow away from the game quickly. It is important to reflect and understand what your followers want from you and provide with the same.…

Introduction to Bower

Let’s say you are building a website and you are using jQuery plugins, CSS frameworks or libraries. Managing all these resources one by one can be very complicated at times. Instead you can use Bower. Bower is a package manager that you can use in your web development projects, for example. It facilitates the task of downloading packages from libraries and frameworks such as jQuery, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, etc. You can download them one by one or list them all and download them directly in your project, then you just have to link them to the pages that will make use of these resources in your project.

Bower by definition is a package manager for the web, now that in ordinary Spanish means, well, it is a tool that allows us to define which libraries we need to use in our web application and the system detects the dependencies of the required packages.

When bower checks all the dependencies of the requested packages and finds any inconsistencies, it presents us with a minus so that we can choose which version we want to use.

Now you will wonder what kind of packages are available, well the packages range from jQuery to Bootstrap through Linux, it all depends on what our project needs, currently bower has almost fourteen thousand packages.

How to install Bower

Bower is an npm package therefore we need NodeJS and with the following command we can install it.

How to use Bower

Once Bower is installed we can use it immediately in our application to download the packages we want, let’s imagine that we need jQuery in our project for which we only need to use the following command.

As we have seen, it is quite easy to add new components, but it depends on someone’s memory to install the required packages, in order to define all the packages required by our project we use the bower.json file.

Fortunately, bower provides us with a command that allows us to create a basic bower.json file, followed by an example of the interactive command execution $ bower init .

Now what advantage we have with this bower.js file, the first thing would be portability since we only have to version this file in our version control system.

In this case, bower will detect the existence of a bower.json file and proceed to install the requested packages, allowing us to have our version control system cleaner and thus avoid having 50 versions of jQuery stored when in the end the one that interests us is probably the one last.

Specify packet destination

As we have already seen, the default destination for the packages is the bower_components folder , but it is very likely that this location is not to our liking.

Which will make the packages be saved in the web / vendor folder or whatever we want.

I hope it has meet your expectations.

Open source vs. closed source operating system

Programs, including operating systems and applications, are created using programming code. Programmers write the source code, which is then compiled into executable code, creating the product that you ultimately run on your computer. There are many operating systems for personal use, for business and industrial contexts, and some of them are closed source, and some are open source. In general, an open-source system is one in which the source code is visible to the user, while in open systems, the code cannot be seen.


The principle of an open-source program is that, as a user, you have the right to access the source code. If you are using a closed source system, you do not have access, even if you have purchased it with a commercial license. In addition to being able to see how a program has been implemented, many open source licenses allow you to improve and redistribute the program. However, this often depends on the type of license you use.


Having access to the source code is not the only difference between open source and closed source systems. While closed source operating systems are typically developed by corporations and modified only by organization personnel, open-source systems tend to be developed by large communities. Because open-source programs have visible code, users and consumers of the program can identify bugs and even fix them. For this reason, open-source systems tend to be improved more regularly than closed source ones.

Closed systems

There are many closed source systems in use. The Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X operating systems are closed source, and both platforms provide programs for a variety of computing contexts, including personal, server, and mobile. The most widely used operating systems for personal computers, particularly for desktop PCs, tend to be closed source, although open source alternatives are on the rise.

Open systems

There is a variety of open-source operating systems for desktop, server, and mobile devices. Although most PCs run on closed source systems, many Web servers run on open source platforms, particularly Linux, which became the most common open-source system in 2011. The rise of computers Mobile has also caused an increase in open-source operating systems, including Ubuntu Linux and Google’s Android and Chrome systems.


In addition to the fundamentally different principles involved when choosing an open or closed source operating system, there are some major differences between the systems available to users. Although Linux systems are free, many users are not comfortable using them since they can be more difficult for those who are not experts. However, with mobile computers, the use of open-source platforms is exposing these technologies to new users.